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I'm a Girl Just Wanting to Have Fun

Celebrating Wins and Joy

In our fast-paced world, achievement often becomes the primary measure of success. Trust me I have been on that hamster wheel. Where I am constantly striving for the next goal, the bigger win, the loftier accomplishment.

While ambition is undoubtedly a powerful motivator, pausing and savoring our victories is equally important. To sit in the sweet spot of success, to bask in the warmth of our accomplishments, and to appreciate the journey that led us there.

The Power of Reflection
Taking time to reflect on our wins is more than just self-congratulation. It's an opportunity to recognize the effort, dedication, and perseverance that brought us to this point. It's a chance to appreciate the lessons learned along the way, the challenges overcome, and the growth experienced. By acknowledging our achievements, we cultivate a sense of gratitude and self-belief that can fuel our future endeavors.

Inspiring Others
Our work, whether it's art, writing, or simply our presence in the world, has the potential to inspire and uplift others. Even if our impact seems small, it can be profound. By sharing our stories, our experiences, and our insights, we can create a ripple effect that reaches far beyond our immediate circle. Our words can offer comfort, our art can evoke emotions, and our actions can inspire hope.

The Importance of Self-Care
In our pursuit of success, it's easy to become so focused on the goal that we neglect our own well-being. It's essential to remember that self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. By taking time for fun, relaxation, and movement, we recharge our batteries, reduce stress, and improve our overall quality of life. When we prioritize our own happiness, we are better equipped to handle challenges and achieve our goals.

This past weekend I went to PVDFest with my partner and friends. The one performance I went to see was the Dance Party and performance by the Haus of Glitter1. The video above is a tiny taste of the joy they served the people of Providence. Y’all they pulled me into the middle of the circle and I danced until sweat collected at the roots of my coils. It was amazing! I MADE time for fun and it did not take away from my productivity. It enhanced it.

Celebrating our wins and taking time to enjoy the journey is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our strength. We can create a more fulfilling and meaningful life by acknowledging our achievements, inspiring others, and prioritizing self-care. Let us embrace the joy of success and the power of reflection, and continue to share our light with the world.

Tupac, ReedWriteCreate, Furious Flower Poetry Conference, Rap Music, PVD Fest, Providence, Haus of Glitter, Dancing in the streets, fun, girls just want to have fun
A morning Vibe - Leather, sunLight and a Literary Great - Tupac Shakur

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THE HAUS OF GLITTER is a Dance Company + Performance Lab + Preservation Society that works to shift the energetic center of the universe towards care, healing, justice and freedom. 

In the work we share, preserve and co-create with communities, we strive to embody ancestral liberation, healing and love in every step and every breath of our creative praxis.

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The Original Baddie
The Original Baddie