"coming to terms with the fact that I had been obscuring my true self, all in the name of self -preservation or a defense mechanism." This gripped me, and then reminded me of Audre Lorde's words: My silences had not protected me anyway, so it is better to speak.
I am honored and moved that my words reminded you of Audre Lorde’s! Thank you 🙏🏾 Stephanie! Right? The floodgates have opened and I’m not shutting the dam for nobody!
I feel the weightless in your energy as you discuss heavy topics that could have kept you down by the gravity of the shituations. That's healing.
I connect with your taking ownership of your progress - as former people pleasers and victims of abuse like ourselves tend to give away to others all credibility to the good shit that happens to us and how we turn out.
Little Badiana is proud of you for taking care of her and now letting yourself blossom to mature greatness. It's only up from here!
Yoooooo I love the way you pun on words it’s so skillfull!! Shituation!! That is brilliant. Why didn’t I think of that 😂?!
Weightlessness was so a way to describe my state. I didn’t even know how to describe it. It just was but that right there is a great way to put into a word. I’m in awe and grateful and impressed you pinpointed that via my words.
💯 FACTS on wanting to give the credit to others. Like wait. I did this. I get to claim it. It’s not for others to claim.
I have been talking about and to Little Badiana a lot! She is one of my guides now. Sitting on her throne whispering you did good, girl. Wait, you are doing great.
Being multi-lingual always made us rethink, repeat our statements to make sure it was communicated right lol 😂
Also been using the word I am blooming frequently. OK Tab you are on your frequency healer. The words you used are spot on.
“Together, let’s step into the fullness of who we are meant to be!” YES!
This was absolutely beautiful to read, Badiana. Thank you for sharing your magic with the world. ❤️
Alexandria!! Thank you so much for reading and loving on me with this comment.
Plus I am obsessed that you used the word magic 🪄 that’s what I say all the time.
Thanks for validating me intentionally or unintentionally.
Xoxo big hugs 🫂
"coming to terms with the fact that I had been obscuring my true self, all in the name of self -preservation or a defense mechanism." This gripped me, and then reminded me of Audre Lorde's words: My silences had not protected me anyway, so it is better to speak.
I am honored and moved that my words reminded you of Audre Lorde’s! Thank you 🙏🏾 Stephanie! Right? The floodgates have opened and I’m not shutting the dam for nobody!
Appreciate you.
You are beautiful in every way possible. ♥️
Omg literally tears 😭 down my face! Be still my grateful heart. 💞
Thank you so much for these words, Karen!
I feel the weightless in your energy as you discuss heavy topics that could have kept you down by the gravity of the shituations. That's healing.
I connect with your taking ownership of your progress - as former people pleasers and victims of abuse like ourselves tend to give away to others all credibility to the good shit that happens to us and how we turn out.
Little Badiana is proud of you for taking care of her and now letting yourself blossom to mature greatness. It's only up from here!
Thanks for sharing.
Yoooooo I love the way you pun on words it’s so skillfull!! Shituation!! That is brilliant. Why didn’t I think of that 😂?!
Weightlessness was so a way to describe my state. I didn’t even know how to describe it. It just was but that right there is a great way to put into a word. I’m in awe and grateful and impressed you pinpointed that via my words.
💯 FACTS on wanting to give the credit to others. Like wait. I did this. I get to claim it. It’s not for others to claim.
I have been talking about and to Little Badiana a lot! She is one of my guides now. Sitting on her throne whispering you did good, girl. Wait, you are doing great.
Being multi-lingual always made us rethink, repeat our statements to make sure it was communicated right lol 😂
Also been using the word I am blooming frequently. OK Tab you are on your frequency healer. The words you used are spot on.
And that song is bomb!
Fire 🔥 right??!!
I’ll add, I see myself in you your story. Well done and thank you for your vulnerability.
You made my night! I am so grateful you said that.
Girl! This hit in so many ways. I see you!
I literally want to meet up and have tea 🫖 with you and chat about life. One day, but this is me putting it out there.
Yes! That feels natural, right? I would love that!
Girrrrrlllll been on my heart for a bit and finally was able to craft it into beautiful vulnerability.