I'm sending you love, hugs and a speedy recovery. 🫂❤️

And just like you said, I'm learning to take things one moment- one step at a time.

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Thank you so much Seraphina! Energy is wild right now. Protect yourself and your health right now until the volatility of this cycle 🔄 calms down.

I appreciate your well wishes immensely and I’m grateful for your support and response.

Big love and hugs right back.

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Wait! i didn't fully read the entire post the first time. OMG! BB, i'm sending you love love love and fresh breath that last a life time.

I had no idea when i first got reading earlier today. Come back stronger for you, your husband, and for us. Please take good care of yourself. I love you, BB and there's nothing we can do about it.🙏🏽

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Thank you 🙏🏾 Thank you 🙏🏾 Thank you 🙏🏾 Fam! Love you mucho! I’m getting better every day ❤️‍🩹 promise! This is the workings of something greater. It’s always scary to have a scare but it’s preventing me from unknowingly getting into something worse so taking it one day at a time. This is where I gotta be for now. A pretty little bird 🐦 caged in a hospital room til I can take the world on again.

I’ll take all the fresh breath though. Keep serving up that. I feel like your lungs 🫁 are mighty lol 😂

I appreciate you for seeing me.

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Hey Baddie, sending you vibes for rest, peace and rejuvenation. I certainly know about how things can go wrong in the blink of an eye. It is all part of the fabric. Great piece and thank you for writing. ❤️x

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Thank you so much 🙏🏾! All part of the fabric indeed my friend! It’s like dang, so fast. It was like whip lash.

But this is forcing me not to fly for a work trip on Election Day. I don’t think that is coincidence but that’s just me.

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PS: I already voted 🗳️ just had to mention that 😂 can’t play with this here civic duty during these volatile ass times in the states.

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“ indulging in fruit smoothies and having meals delivered to us while lounging by the water”

did anyone else read this and think “damn! this is the dream life?” or was it just me?

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Hahahhahahahahahahahahha just you, JK I’m sure others did too but I think cuz I write about a bunch of other shadowy things folks be like can’t just talk about how dope her trip was when they totally can and I appreciate that you did.

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am i the only who heard the water side sounds i. the background of the audio? 😍😍😍

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You know what made me laugh and woke me up right as I was about to fall asleep. The realization that you were listening to my audio and tuning my voice out like the Trevor Noah clip you posted and only being able to hear the water 💧 in the background. That’s pure gold. 🌟⚜️🥧⚱️

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yooooo!!! BB!!! really!!😂

why so attentive???!!!!!

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I brought the ocean 🌊 with me from paradise

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seems like the sounds i heard in the recording weren’t ocean sounds after all. 💀

how come i could hear the water so vividly then. 💀

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That is legitimately the sterile dehumidifier water they have linked to my oxygen tank bubbling like a science experiment in a beaker constantly so my nose doesn’t dry and bleed from being hooked to oxygen for the last 3 days. I mentioned my nose was sore and they instantly added that to add additional moisture and it has helped immensely. Plus water sounds I found extremely soothing so it’s also been great white noise and I recorded the audio while standing on the side of the bed with the oxygen to help project my voice more

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wow!! it’s definitely great white noise. I loved the sound it created in the background.

Can’t wait for you to be out of there and bouncy again.

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You so perceptive 💦

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thank you. You keep blessing me.

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Sending you healing vibes. When I found out in 2021 that my blood pressure was dangerously high, I couldn't believe it. At first I was indignant, but after sitting with it for a while and moving past my justifications, I realized that it was not actually that surprising and that I had numerous habits that weren't good for me. It was just inconvenient for me to acknowledge these things. I realized a bunch of ways I wasn't been honest with myself and where my habits weren't aligning with my values, particularly when it comes to health. I made a lot of changes after that. Changes that I probably would have continued avoiding otherwise. Thank you for sharing this. ♥

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Thank you for sharing your experience with me. It means a lot to hear it and know that we all have our version of this.

I read your post for a reason and I feel without it I may have not been so vulnerable in responding to Tobi’s questions on his essay resulting in my ability to just share this without fear or shame or anxiety 😬.

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