What a beautiful environment! I’m on this same tip ~ the other day my son fell asleep nursing and I didn’t have my phone close by so I spent two hours unplugged just being there. It was glorious and refreshing. I love your perspective on that Maya quote because for many of us disconnecting outside so we can reconnect within is work🙌🏾💕
Right inner work is work, it allows you to be an active participant in your life.
I can visualize the moment you described. Baby too comfortable for Mom to disturb so you sit in silence and enjoy the stillness, the moment and the wonder of your every day existence. That’s special. That’s allowed you to be actively participating in your life. Being still doesn’t mean you’re not moving. You’re just moving in a different way.
For the past 4 months, I have not posted on socials like I used to, and a month ago I turned off my notifications for IG and TikTok. After last week, my notifications for Substack are turned off too. I enjoyed my life more when I wasn't involved in world events yet the news still finds me, but now I know what my balance looks like. You did a great job finding balance for yourself, and this piece reminds me of an old affirmation I need to bring back for myself.
Unplugging from time to time is important and creates balance. I enjoy moments when I’m simply being and not hearing constant notifications and/or worrying about follower counts. Thank you for posting this 😊☺️
I respect all who can with follower counts, being someone who just fully opted out of it, I thoroughly understand why those who can manage it need a break from that from time to time.
It’s needed, I think, to just BE in a given moment with your surroundings unplugged.
Yeah I’m all about unplugging. I have moments where I want to delete IG all together, but I don’t think that’s the right solution for me given the connections I’ve made. Instead, I take hiatuses so I can recalibrate. Social media is a dumpster fire and can feed our fears so much 🫤
What I love so much about your comment is you admitting you think about deleting IG and then acknowledging immediately that it’s not the right move for you because the connections you have there.
Deleting ALL the mainstream socials made sense for me, but I appreciate and respect that IG has given back to you in a way that makes it worth keeping.
I 💯 agree that taking breaks from it is absolutely essential and I am glad IG has given you these connections.
Lynelle, I understand this with such ferocity. I have not been on Facebook, Instagram or anything close to it for years. I only had LinkedIn because I knew I was amidst a career transition and felt that was an important part of making that switch, but in all actuality that has also become its own version of a hot mess. But it’s easy to keep since there is really no expectations to engage with it until you absolutely want to.
Substack is now my second social media and it’s addictive like the others but feels like a space where that algorithm is worth it because we cultivated a powerful community here that has benefited my well being.
With the realization, that even in this space I have to be mindful of not over consuming and losing sight of my individuality and thoughts but stepping away connecting with self so I can come back and use the words of the community as inspiration or to help me piece my stories together in one coherent form.
So long story short, delete facebook and the rest of it. My life has been enriched immensely because of it!
What a beautiful environment! I’m on this same tip ~ the other day my son fell asleep nursing and I didn’t have my phone close by so I spent two hours unplugged just being there. It was glorious and refreshing. I love your perspective on that Maya quote because for many of us disconnecting outside so we can reconnect within is work🙌🏾💕
Right inner work is work, it allows you to be an active participant in your life.
I can visualize the moment you described. Baby too comfortable for Mom to disturb so you sit in silence and enjoy the stillness, the moment and the wonder of your every day existence. That’s special. That’s allowed you to be actively participating in your life. Being still doesn’t mean you’re not moving. You’re just moving in a different way.
For the past 4 months, I have not posted on socials like I used to, and a month ago I turned off my notifications for IG and TikTok. After last week, my notifications for Substack are turned off too. I enjoyed my life more when I wasn't involved in world events yet the news still finds me, but now I know what my balance looks like. You did a great job finding balance for yourself, and this piece reminds me of an old affirmation I need to bring back for myself.
"I make money when I rest"
We make money when we rest!! That is the exact affirmation for this post.
Yes social media is feeding us too much garbage that takes us away from our truth, our magic, this gift that allows us to weave words.
The news that finds you is meant for you to know. The rest eliminate because it’s just noise to distract us from our purpose.
I agree 100%
Unplugging from time to time is important and creates balance. I enjoy moments when I’m simply being and not hearing constant notifications and/or worrying about follower counts. Thank you for posting this 😊☺️
Thanks for your input.
I literally can’t with follower counts.
I respect all who can with follower counts, being someone who just fully opted out of it, I thoroughly understand why those who can manage it need a break from that from time to time.
It’s needed, I think, to just BE in a given moment with your surroundings unplugged.
Yeah I’m all about unplugging. I have moments where I want to delete IG all together, but I don’t think that’s the right solution for me given the connections I’ve made. Instead, I take hiatuses so I can recalibrate. Social media is a dumpster fire and can feed our fears so much 🫤
What I love so much about your comment is you admitting you think about deleting IG and then acknowledging immediately that it’s not the right move for you because the connections you have there.
Deleting ALL the mainstream socials made sense for me, but I appreciate and respect that IG has given back to you in a way that makes it worth keeping.
I 💯 agree that taking breaks from it is absolutely essential and I am glad IG has given you these connections.
Lynelle, I understand this with such ferocity. I have not been on Facebook, Instagram or anything close to it for years. I only had LinkedIn because I knew I was amidst a career transition and felt that was an important part of making that switch, but in all actuality that has also become its own version of a hot mess. But it’s easy to keep since there is really no expectations to engage with it until you absolutely want to.
Substack is now my second social media and it’s addictive like the others but feels like a space where that algorithm is worth it because we cultivated a powerful community here that has benefited my well being.
With the realization, that even in this space I have to be mindful of not over consuming and losing sight of my individuality and thoughts but stepping away connecting with self so I can come back and use the words of the community as inspiration or to help me piece my stories together in one coherent form.
So long story short, delete facebook and the rest of it. My life has been enriched immensely because of it!